Dakota Higgins is a multidisciplinary artist living and working in Los Angeles. While interrogating the role of the artist as a social agent, Dakota’s work explores the histories, myths, and images and that constitute the American psyche. Using jokes as a tool to excavate repressed thoughts and feelings, his work blends traditional forms of visual art including painting, sculpture and collage with writing, sound and music, performance, and social practice.

Dakota has exhibited at venues including Bozo Mag, Grice Bench, El Clasificado, Navel, Café Quoi‽ & Sculpture Garden, Room 3557, and Placeholder. Dakota has performed in such venues as 2220 Arts + Archives, Coaxial Arts Foundation, Human Resources, Sub Rosa (Santa Cruz), In Lieu/Ethan Tate Gallery, and the Torrance Art Museum. In 2021, he founded the DMV (Departure from Music Venues), a space dedicated to the exhibition of experimental music and performance. His writing has appeared in the art journals King & Lyre and X-TRA, and in a collection of poetry entitled Poetry from Instructions.

Full CV

Contact: dakotahigginsstudio@gmail.com