By Dakota:
Relations Aesthetical, X-TRA. (On the work of Christina Catherine Martinez.) - pdf

The Art of the Pun, X-TRA. (On the uses of puns in contemporary art.) - pdf

Poetry from Instructions. (Organized and edited by Guy Bennet.)

About Dakota:
Dakota’s Ladders (written by Travis Diehl) - pdf

Some Impressions of an Artist’s Ladders: Labor and the Negative Joke in Dakota Higgins’ Impressions (written by Harrison Kinanne Smith) - pdf

Tears of Laughter: Comedy, Genre and Dialectics in Dakota Higgins’ Oeuvre (written by Leif Turner) - pdf

Seeking Out the Light (written by Michael Anthony Hall for Office Magazine) - pdf

UCLA’s MFAs Take On Power Structures (written by Claudia Ross for Hyperallergic) - pdf